This album is a worshipful call to repentance for all believers. It is slow, thoughtful, and emotional. My desire is to help people experience the presence of the Lord and open their hearts before Him, as individuals but also as a corporate body, the Church. My heart is burdened specifically for my own country of America and its challenges, but also for the entire world in the midst of a pandemic. The world is fearful and angry. We have a great need for the church to come together in unity, showing love to our neighbors so that they can see and in turn be receptive to the love of Christ that is in each of us. This love can bring ultimate healing to all.
The songs of the album “Raise a Lamentation” flow together in a way that will best be experienced by listening to the album in one sitting, from beginning to end. The album begins with a call to be quiet before the Lord, and continues with songs that express a need and desire for the presence of the Lord. The title track, “Raise a Lamentation,” expresses a corporate need for the body of Christ to humble ourselves and lay everything before Him. The songs that follow each have a theme of mercy, grace, faith, peace and hope--all gifts from the Holy Spirit that He will give and remind us of as we surrender all. The final song is powerful and uplifting--a reminder that His mercies are new every morning, and his love never ceases, no matter what is going on around us in the world.
“‘Cut off your hair and cast it away; raise a lamentation on the bare heights, for the LORD has rejected and forsaken the generation of his wrath.’
Jeremiah 7:29
If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Raise a Lamentation Album Credits
Music and Lyrics: Aimee Smith
Produced by: Paul Ewing
Musical arrangement: Paul Ewing
“Mercy” Lyrics: Sharon Jones
Vocal arranging: Aimee Smith, Debbie Klongtruadroke
Background Vocals: Athalie De Koning, Willard Dyson, Debbie Klongtruadroke, Purenessly Wannasut, Jennifer Campbell-White, Kevin Campbell-White, Desiree “Gigi” Gluck, Maya Maclang, Rey Maclang, Angel Sopmamut, Rebekah Staton, Cody Thomas, Becca Van Meerbeke
Featured Vocal (“Raise a Lamentation”): Purenessly Wannasut
Hammond Organ (“Raise a Lamentation”): Luke Smith
Cello (“Deeper Still,” “Faith”): Wayne Urquhart
Drums (“Deeper Still,” “Raise a Lamentation,” “New Day”): Jon Howells
Bass (“Deeper Still,” “Raise a Lamentation,” “New Day”): Dan Hawkins
All other instruments: Paul Ewing
Vocals recorded at Studio 28, Bangkok and Studio in Park, Bangkok
Vocals engineered by Henry Watkins and Tantham Nichkaroon
“Faith” Vocals engineered by Wern Ruangkit at Crossover Studios, Bangkok
Mixed by Wayne Urquhart at Wulfnote, London
Mastered by Woody Pornpitaksuk at Westside Mastering, Bangkok
Artwork: Tyler Finley and Kamyee Ladas
Graphic Design: Paul Ewing
Photography: Verity Tan